Travel Protocols
In BC, the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, announced today (March 12, 2020), that "Anyone who travels outside Canada will need to stay away from school or work for 14 days upon return...: and health authorities have advised against non-essential travel outside of Canada. (
Thank you for making informed and responsible decisions as a family over the next little while. Also, because this is a rapidly moving situation, these measures may change. It is our responsibility to continue to stay current about this ever changing situation.
If you and your family are traveling over Spring Break, we ask that you be mindful of the COVID-19 situation in host countries. Please, refer to the Canadian government's travel advisory website for specific information to help you make informed decisions.
If you are visiting affected areas under advisory, you will be subject to a self-quarantine. According to the BC Ministry of Health,"self-quarantine" involves limiting contact with others for 14 days by staying home, avoiding having visitors to your home, and avoiding those with chronic conditions, compromised immune systems, and older adults. During this period, you are asked to self-monitor for fever, cough or difficulty breathing. Should you or anyone in your household develop these symptoms, please, call 811 and speak to your health care provider immediately.
If your child is under self-quarantine, rest assured our administration and teachers will work with families to ensure that student learning can continue. Options are currently being investigated to allow learning to continue in such circumstances.
As per the latest recommendations from the Provincial Government, any upcoming school travel has not been cancelled or postponed at this time. We also continue to follow the Provincial Health Officer's recommendation to conduct risk assessments in regards to school events and public gatherings.
Return from Spring Break
In preparation for the possibility that schools are advised by Health Officials to remain closed after Spring Break, or that members of our community are placed under quarantine or self-isolation, administration and faculty are currently working on contingency plans should there be any disruption or school closures. We ask that you please stay tuned for more information.