We base all student acceptance on the following order of priorities:
Registered Catholics who support
St. Augustine's Parish -
Catholics from other parishes
Siblings of St. Augustine's students
Children of other religious backgrounds
Children can enter Kindergarten in September of the calendar year they turn five. The Kindergarten program runs during school hours 8:30 to 3:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and 8:30 to 2:00 on Wednesdays. Before being accepted, prospective students and their parents will meet with the principal to discuss school policies, expectations and philosophy. Parents will need to sign a school document that states your agreement to support school sponsored activities and religious programs and liturgies.
In January, the school will host an “Interested New Family” meeting in the school gym; parents or any interested adults can attend. Broad-based information will be presented. At that meeting, parents are given the opportunity to request an interview with the Principal. Priority is given to active, practicing Catholics of St. Augustine Parish.
Once the interview process is complete and parish status is verified, those families that we are able to accept will be notified and registration packages will made available once they are published in mid-February. Parents whose child is not accepted at that time can choose to be put on a waiting list.
Registration forms must be returned during the week indicated by the school. If any package is not returned within that week, the space is given to another family, again priority is our Parish, then other practicing Catholics from other surrounding parishes that do not have their own elementary school.
Once registration packages have been returned, along with all the supporting documents, payable fees and first month’s tuition, donation to Faith and Foundation, formal acceptance is complete. Parents of new students will be notified about: an appointment with the Kindy teacher, the date and time of the Parent meeting for Kindy families, and making a scheduled appointment for uniform purchasing.
Students in Higher Grades
Call or email us with your enquiry to be placed on a waiting list. When all registrations for current students have been returned, the office will know how many openings the various grades will have for the following year. Waiting lists are not carried over from year to year; therefore, parents need to call each year to confirm your continued interest.
If there’s an opening, families will be contacted for an interview that includes parents and child. Bring your child’s most recent report cards. All information will be reviewed, and parents will be notified as to the status for their child. Once the registration package is returned, a uniform fitting appointment can be scheduled. Registration packages must be returned in a timely manner.
Tuition fees for the following school years have not yet been set, but will be increasing by a small percentage.
Your family is eligible for the Contributing Parishioner rates if:
you’re registered in St. Augustine’s Parish and you regularly attend mass at this parish and contribute time, talent and treasure per Fr. Andrzej Stendzina, OMI*
*Confirmed on the form "Request for Consideration as St. Augustine's Parishoner".
Pre-Registration Fee - Non-refundable fee of $300 is required for every new child. This fee is payable upon acceptance and is non-refundable.
Class Fee - $90 per student. Fee covers class resources, student planner and field trips.
General Resource Fee - $160 per student. Helps to cover expenses for copying, paper, books throughout the school, and other essential resources.
Technology Fee - $85.00
Edu-Pac Basic Supply List - amount varies by Grade and increases as required each year. Class specific instructions/lists provided in the spring. Parents are responsible for purchasing supplies for the following school year.
Parent Participation Levy: $660 per family. Each family is expected to participate in the Parent Participation Program. All families must submit one cheque of $660. If you fulfill your commitment, the cheque will be returned to you. If you do not wish to participate, one cheque for $660 must be submitted.
Faith and Foundation Donation: Annual donation by each family at spring registration or during Fall Campaign.
Tuition and Fee 2023-2024
No. of Children
Other Families
Non-Sufficient Fund Policy *Revised December 2015 and subject to change.
First Occurence: $50 fee
Second Occurence: $100 fee
Third Occurence: $200 fee
Fee will continue to double with each occurence
Notes: Policy applies to all fees that are paid to St. Augustine's School (tution, After School Club, Scholastic, etc.) and school fundraising cheques that are made payable to St. Augustine's Church/Parish. This policy applies to all returned items paid by cheques or automatic debit due to NSF, account closed or stop payments. Replacement cheques must include applicable NSF fee and cannot be postdated. Replacement cheques with incorrect amounts are deemed not received.
The fees re-set every school year.