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School Protocols

St. Augustine School Protocols and Guidelines

St. Augustine Administration and Parish Education Committee, together with CISVA, FISA, the BC Ministry of Education, and in consultation with other local school administrators, continues to actively monitor the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and its development locally and globally.

Please ,find below guidelines and resources from our Administration and the Government on how to keep our school community safe and healthy: 

  • At present the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Provincial Health Officer do not recommend school closure strategies or the cancellation or postponement of events in BC at this time. 

  • Our school buildings and campus continue to be cleaned and disinfected nightly, with staff using the government recommended cleaning solution, and taking extra measures to sanitize touch services such as doorknobs, light switches, and desks. Over Spring Break, a deep clean of our campus will take place.

  • We strongly encourage parents to keep their child(ren) home if they are sick, regardless of the reason. The Provincial Health Officer is recommending that if you have any symptoms at all of a cold or influenza, even if they are mild, to rest at home and self-isolate until you are well. If you do so, please, email the School Office to ensure the school is informed. 

  • We continue to remind students and parents to protect themselves by washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

  • In accordance with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) BC public health guidance for schools and childcare programs, the use of masks in school settings is not recommended

  • We continue to reinforce a "no food sharing" policy with our students and recommend they do not share utensils, dishes, and water-bottles or drink containers. 

  • Should you feel the need to self-quarantine, or keep your child(ren) at home, rest assured our administration and teachers will work with families to ensure that student learning can continue. Options  are currently being investigated to allow learning to continue in such circumstances. 

  • Parents may refer to the attached message from the Office of the Provincial Health Officer  answering Frequently Asked Questions on the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Children and Students. Parents may also share  the following article  from CBC Kids News  "Busting Myths About the Coronavirus" and also "Coronavirus Explained! (For Kids)"


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